Auto Accident Recovery
Recovering from an auto accident can be challenging whether it's yourself or helping someone you care about. Symptoms like persistent headaches or limited mobility may appear days after the incident, even if there is no immediate pain. Massage and chiropractic can help and most auto insurances cover the cost of recovery.
Reduces Pain and Discomfort
Massage and chiropractic care following an auto accident or work injury can greatly reduce pain and discomfort. This holistic approach enables clients to manage their well-being and embrace life more vibrantly as well as speed up their recovery time.
Work Injury Recovery
Recovering after a work related injury at work or from one in your regular everyday life can be challenging while trying to manage the day to day. Massage and chiropractic can help speed up the healing process and get your back to living your life to it's fullest. We work with workman's comp cases to help ensure you fully recover.
Improved Range of Motion
Often after a car accident, people often exhibit a decrease in their range of motion. This symptom can manifest itself as difficulty fully turning to one side or being unable to look over your shoulder or low-back stiffness. Through massage therapy and chiropractic care your flexibility and movement are rebuilt.
We work with Insurance
We work directly with your auto insurance so you don't have to. For massage therapy related auto accidents, a doctor's referral is required to ensure the injured individual is medically cleared for massage therapy. Once the assessment is finished, we only require a prescription from your doctor and your insurance claim number to initiate the services.
Promotes Physcological Healing
As mentioned above, massage therapy is outstanding for providing psychological benefits after a car accident. This is because, along with an alleviation of tightness or inflammation, your body is given the chance to de-stress and calm your mind at the same time. Since car accidents are typically traumatic events, massage therapy can play a huge role in setting your mind at ease after the event.
Improves Blood Flow
Another big benefit when getting massage therapy after a car accident is how your blood circulation is improved. Because injured areas need proper blood flow to aid in the recovery process, massage therapy provides a vital benefit toward healing.
Reduces Injury Related Muscle Spasms
Along with the other symptoms we’ve mentioned, you may also experience muscle spasms after a car accident. Partly due to the tearing of muscle fibers, this symptom can be painful and even chronic if left untreated. However, Deep Tissue Massage Therapy can be an effective way to break the cycle and mitigate symptoms.